Radon Information Before & After Photos

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Radon Mitigation - Urbandale, IA

This was an interesting layout on the home and ultimately came to a conclusion with the homeowner based on layout of the home that the guest bedroom would be the best extraction point. It would be in the far corner of the room downstairs and come out on the back side of the house. This was a starter home for both Joe and his wife so they weren't all that concerned about aesthetics as they were thinking about selling their home within the year because there was a job opportunity for the wife in Texas. Needless to say, they also wanted their home appraised if that time comes.

Radon Mitigation - Urbandale, IA

Beth is highly health conscious because she underwent a double lung transplant but not radon-related. She wants to make sure she gets the best protection from lung-related illnesses so she chose to get a radon mitigation system. Our team made sure they delivered it best! 

Radon Mitigation - Urbandale, IA

This client is an ICU nurse and was very accommodating. She bought the house earlier this year and radon levels were just over 4. Her parents have been nagging her to get her own radon mitigation system and she is wanting to take care of some home projects before the winter season comes in. The home had a sump pit with a pump and no drain tile. It has 2 inaccessible crawlspaces, currently about 18 inches tall, with no open access. The homeowner is unaware that she had crawlspaces! You really learn something new every day. It was smooth installation!

Radon Mitigation - Urbandale, IA

This project was fully paid for upfront as the homeowner decided to get his radon mitigation system installed the earliest before winter strikes. The installation started when the pipe was routed out from the sump pump through the drywall and then through the son's closet's top shelf. The homeowner was asking to hide the PVC piping as much as possible so they could still use the top shelf storage. The radon fan will be out through the side of the home towards the patio side out on up. He was concerned about the aesthetic but with there's nothing our techs can do. Everything was in shape!

Radon Mitigation - Story City, IA

Met with Jennifer in this old farm house. A lot of stuff in unfinished basement and hard to get around and see things. Found out at the end that there is a sump pit under the stairs but could not view or access. The technician was told lid is nearly air tight so seal around it with caulking. Returned with radon levels of 24 and frequent health concerns. Jennifer was concerned about indoor air quality, humidity, and was all ready to move forward with their own radon mitigation system.

We serve the following areas

  • Arbela
  • Downing
  • Gorin
  • Lancaster
  • Memphis
  • Queen City
  • Rutledge
Our Locations:

Iowa Radon Defense
4175 NE 43rd Ct
Des Moines, IA 50317